Sponsor Information:
Barton County Rescue and Recovery is primarily donation funded and depends on the support of our fellow citizens in order to be able to continue to serve. Many citizens operate businesses and would like to be able to support us through their businesses as well so we have established a sponsor program.
Bronze Sponsor - $100+ donation - Framed supporter certificate and text link on our supporters page.
Silver Sponsor - $250+ donation - Silver Sponsor Plaque and logo/text link on our supporters page.
Gold Sponsor - $500+ donation - Gold Sponsor Plaque and logo/text link on our supporters page.
Platinum Sponsor - $1000+ - Platinum Sponsor Plaque and logo/text link on our supporters page and bottom of our home page.
Donations may be made online or if you would prefer to make a donation via check or by donating equipment, please use the form on our Contact page.
Barton County Rescue & Recovery would like to thank everyone for their support!